Friday, March 28, 2014

Love for the sake of Allah :')

Holiday means attending wedding and walimah here and there.

As I watch the happy ceremony and eveything, sometimes I wonder how two people can bear living with each other for so many years of their lives. In terms of marriage I mean. (Hello I am 23 years old and its normal to start 'analysing' all these). =P

You know especially when things start to change. You cant agree with each other in every single thing. For a couple first years maybe everything is still good and under control. Love is still in the air baby.

But love is something that need hardwork to make it go on and on. Because it is a feeling, and feeling, it changes. If you dont work to keep it, it will fade. There will be times which that happen. Well I am sure of that. When responsibilities are bigger than love. When your financial state might become an issue. Or prioritising your career or other passion doesnt make your partner happy. Or to keep your house well arranged, clean and tidy make you yell to each other. Or maybe both of you have different ideas in raising up your kids and everything. I dont know. Anything may become an issue.

Lets say your wife, that used to be the most beautiful girl (to your eyes at least) is not the same young girl you used to fall in love many years back. She may not have the sweetest smile you used to adore. She may not come out with the brilliant ideas or thoughts that she used to when she was young. She may not read as much books as she used to when you admire her before. She may become fiercer when she become a mother. (Hope i will not be like that). =D You will see the bad and annoying sides of her that you havent seen before. Or maybe life makes her change. Sometimes she cant prioritise you all the times when she has kids to take care of. And sometimes you will be offended for so many things she might do wrong. And sometimes she may make you lose your temper with the non-stop lectures (read : bebel) and many other stuffs.

But one thing that makes you believe that anything for the sake of Allah will work out, is by seeing your parents. How they manage to cope and stick with each other through thick and thin. How they face the obstacles. How they perform their duties and responsibilities at their best. Well at least they try to.

They give and take. They have long lasting friendship that can never be broken. They listen and care.

Seeing both of your parents, makes you believe there is someone, who is a stranger at first, but then can love you forever for the sake of Allah. If you start it only with the based of love and lust, things will not last.

Everything you do because of Allah, with your iman, inshaa Allah, Allah will help you go through it.

But then start educating yourself first before you think about the responsibilities ahead. And love is not everything though.

”Nak bayar susu, pampers anak dengan cinta ke? Bayar bil letrik, air?” (Quoted from married people). ^_^ See. It still needs work okay?

*K tiada niat post entri eww ewww ke apa. Just saying my thoughts. Nampak gaya kena kawen lps posting la. Huuu~

Barakallahulakum my cousin Faidz & Haslah. Jeles rse bila tgok gmbr ni.
Rindu nk kumpul ramai2 dgn family. Huu

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tiada yang kekal, kecuali Dia

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


"...dan sungguh akan kami berikan cubaan kepadamu, dengan sedikit ketakutan, kelaparan, kekurangan harta, jiwa dan buah-buahan. Dan berikanlah BERITA GEMBIRA kepada orang-orang yang SABAR." (Al-Baqarah : 155)

Apabila berlaku kehilangan, kita jadi gundah,
Apabila terjadi kekurangan, kita naik marah,
Apabila terdapat kecacatan, kita serba gelisah.

Akan tetapi...

bilamana ada kebahagiaan, kita lupa siapa yang kurniakan,
bilamana ada kelebihan, kita lupa siapa yang berikan,
bilamana ada kecantikan, kita lupa siapa yang anugerahkan.


Semuanya bukan milik kita, hanya kerana 'peluang' yang Dia beri, kita mampu 'merasa' apa adanya saat ini. Namun, di awal-awal lagi, Dia memberi khabaran melalui surat cintaNya al-Baqarah ayat 155. Bahawa, Dia akan mengambil kembali apa yang diberi dengan cara dan kehendakNya sebagai cubaan.

Usah merasa memiliki, kelak kau akan merasa kehilangan. 

Namun, indahnya cara Allah mengambil sesuatu dari kita. Walaupun ada sesuatu yang diambil kembali, namun tetap Dia mengirimkan hadiah hikmah disebaliknya. Ingatlah, setiap sesuatu perkara yang berlaku pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya walau kematian seekor semut sekalipun. 

Benar, ada berita gembira bagi orang-orang yang SABAR. :')


#Usai diuji olehNya dengan sedikit ujian kekurangan harta. Dalam usaha aku menggali hikmah disebalik apa yang berlaku, ku sedari yang tiap ujian yang Dia kirimkan tidak pernah sesekali terlepas dari rasa kasihNya. Allah uji tanda Dia sayang. Muhasabah diri, mungkin barang yang hilang tu menjadi asbab Allah nak bersihkan harta, dan juga sebagai peringatan buat diri agar sentiasa meletakkan segala pergantungan hanya padaNya. Sesungguhnya Dialah sebaik-baik Penjaga dan Pelindung. Hasbunallah wani'mal wakil.

"Barang yang hilang boleh dibeli dan diganti dengan yang baru. Tapi keselamatan dan maruah diri itu yang lebih berharga dan tak boleh ditukar ganti. Syukurlah kakak tak apa-apa. Lepas ni kena lebih hati-hati. Moga sentiasa dalam jagaanNya." -Kalam ibunda tersayang-

"InshaaAllah, terima kasih ummi."

Alhamdulillah3x, Dia titipkan perlindungan buat hambaNya yang lemah ini. Sentiasa bersangka baik dengan Allah. Positiflah dengan setiap apa yang berlaku. Kerana mukmin itu tidak memandang kepada ujian yang diterima, tetapi melihat kepada Pemberi ujian. Lantas, setiap ujian diterimanya dengan redha dan berlapang dada, kerana diimani mustahil Tuhan yang Maha Cinta itu menzalimi. ^_^